East Coast Nanny Agency

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Nanny Appreciation Week September 18 - 24 2022

It is already September, kids are back to school, and cooler weather will (hopefully) be coming soon! In the midst of changing seasons and new routines, East Coast Nanny Agency wants to take the time to recognize all of our amazing nannies. During September 18 - 24th we are excited to celebrate International Nanny Recognition Week!

This month we want to highlight one of our incredible East Coast Nanny Agency nannies, Erin! Erin has been a nanny for over 13 years and we have had the awesome opportunity to help her further her career in nannying by placing her with one of our amazing families. ECNA has placed Erin in a temporary job opening, a permanent full time position and even as an event night sitter! We took some time to sit down with Erin and ask her a few questions about why she wanted to become a nanny, what it means to be a nanny, and some of her favorite parts about the job.

ECNA: What made you want to become a nanny?

Erin: Growing up I actually had a nanny in my home who was one of my best friends. It was just so cool to always have her around and I was actually the flower girl in my first nannies wedding! I want to make everyone else's lives a little bit easier and being a nanny really helps me do that. Having a baby is so stressful and I love to be that person that helps keep everything together so that the parents don’t lose their minds.

ECNA: What is your favorite part of being a nanny?

Erin: I love seeing how my influence makes a difference in the kids' lives. Seeing them pick up on my jokes, mannerisms and knowing that if I wasn’t there this wouldn't’ have happened. I have had children who hate reading but now, because of me, they can’t put a book down! It’s just really wonderful the things I get to bring from my family to another family. Bringing tips and tricks and things I learned from my parents/caregivers and then passing them on to another family, it really just feels like I am extending my family!

ECNA: From your experience.. How do you feel nannying has an impact on children and parents?

Erin: In today's time there are so many different influences in the world and kids are just surrounded by negative impacts especially from social media. I didn’t have these things growing up and I just see how detrimental that can be. It is huge to be able to have that voice of reason so the children don’t ever feel alone and being able to impart wisdom on the kids and family. I may not be a “parent” but working with kids for 14 years I have so much background and education. I can help first time parents who have never changed a diaper before and need help with things I have experience with. Nannying is such an undervalued profession. Parents use us to raise their most prized possessions and we as nannies should be honored to do it! Nannies are there for the most important developmental time in these kids' lives and we are what they get to surround themselves with. I just love being able to be that positive voice of reason and impact.

ECNA: How did working with East Coast Nanny Agency Enhance your Career?

Erin: It allowed me to expand my knowledge of families and resources. I was used to only working in certain towns and getting positions by word of mouth. Now, working with an agency, I can have confidence that Savannah and her team have my back. During covid there was no job security and it’s amazing to know that I have someone always here that is able to help me if I need it. Being able to be a part of East Coast Nanny Agency is getting to be a part of a community of other nannies. We are not just babysitters, we do so much more and it's awesome to have Savannah in my corner; she has been my rock the last 2.5 years! It takes a village to raise children and nannies can be a vital part of that. I am just so thankful to have Savannah and her team to give me the opportunity to be able to be a nanny!

Erin is just one of our wonderful nannies at East Coast Nanny Agency and we are so excited to be able to celebrate Erin and all of our other amazing nannies this month!

Still looking for your family's incredible nanny? Reach out to us at eastcoastnannyagency.com/contact as well as Facebook and IG. We are excited to connect with you!