East Coast Nanny Agency

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Why Use a Nanny Agency?

We are East Coast Nanny Agency (ECNA) , a company created by career nannies with the goal of creating connections that benefit the well being of families all along the East Coast. Our ECNA team has over 20 years of nanny experience, but we aren’t just here to find you a nanny, we want to encourage and support parents and caregivers in any way we can. 

Raising kids is hard, we all know it takes a village, and we are so privileged to be a part of yours! 

But, since we do spend the majority of our time connecting parents and caregivers, we wanted to talk about why we do what we do. Some parents find nannies through referrals, family, care.com, or even social media so why do some choose to use an agency like us? What makes us different from using any of those other platforms? 

In essence, why should your family choose to use an agency to find a nanny? 

 Great question! I am so glad you asked.

Obviously, our kids are incredibly important to us and you don’t want to hire just anyone to come into your home or drive your children around. So how do you find someone trustworthy and reliable? 

It would be easy enough to ask our friends/family if they have a good nanny who they just happen to not need around anymore, but, chances are friends/family don’t have an extra nanny. Because of this families turn to social media or websites such as care.com to search for a nanny.

Quickly, we want to make sure to caveat this and say there is NOTHING wrong with finding a nanny through these sources! We just know from experience how hard and unreliable it is. Joining nanny FB Groups and posting your families needs usually leads to message upon message of people saying they are interested and available. It can take hours to weed through these messages and how do you know if what the nannies are saying is true? Same with care.com, you can post a job posting or reach out to nannies but to really have a good pool of candidates you need to pay their premium subscription fee and still you're wading through nannies trying to find even one that fits your families needs. 

And this isn’t even getting to the interview process, reference checks, or trial period! 

Finding a good nanny takes time and work and we know being a parent doesn’t give you much extra time to dedicate to the search. 

That is where we as an agency come in to help.

We have career nannies on our roster already reference checked and background checked ready to become a part of your family! We take the time to find amazing nannies and put them through our rigorous vetting process before you even have those first interviews.

We go to the effort of really learning what your family's needs are so we can find you the perfect match. We are the consulters and negotiators taking all the guesswork out of the process and answering any and all questions that you have. We put your mind at ease knowing you can trust the nannies we provide. 

So why should your family choose an agency to find a nanny?

Peace of Mind, saving time, and a team of people here at ECNA who have your back and are working together to find the perfect nanny for your family! 

What are you waiting for? Set up your free discovery call today! 

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more blog posts and don’t forget to subscribe to our monthly family newsletter here.

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